Reasons for Choosing Us

Japan System Project (JSP)
JSP offers a wide range of products and services, including self-order systems, self-checkout systems, ticket vending machines, and serving robots. We propose the optimal self-service system tailored to each restaurant's needs.

Leveraging our extensive experience and expertise in supporting restaurants over the years, we can build self-service systems that enhance operational efficiency and boost sales.

30 Years of Experience in Developing POS Systems for Restaurants

Japan System Project has over 30 years of experience in developing POS systems for restaurants. With our extensive experience in supporting restaurant operations, we have a deep understanding of the industry's workflows and can offer solutions tailored to on-site challenges. Additionally, while our self-service systems include general-purpose products that adapt to various business types, we specialize in providing services tailored specifically for restaurants.


A Diverse Lineup of Self-Service Products

At Japan System Project, we offer a variety of products and services that promote self-service in restaurants, ranging from order systems to self-checkout, ticket vending machines, and serving robots. Some of these products and features are developed based on customer feedback, embodying our motto of creating truly useful tools in collaboration with our clients in the restaurant industry. Furthermore, we don't just sell packaged systems; we provide comprehensive, one-stop solutions for building self-service systems, significantly contributing to the operational efficiency of restaurants.


Robust Support System for Peace of Mind in Case of Malfunctions

Our self-order system "SEMOOR" operates a help desk 24/7/365. We also offer remote maintenance via remote operation and on-site replacement and repair services from 24 maintenance service locations nationwide (some services are fee-based). This ensures quick resolution of any issues, allowing nationwide chains to use our systems with confidence.


Contributing to Both Operational Efficiency and Profit Increase

Self-service systems are often perceived as tools that automate order and payment processes to reduce labor costs, but their benefits extend beyond that. By improving the user interface of order terminals and optimizing the order flow, we enhance the ease of ordering, leading to higher average spend per customer. Moreover, orders are swiftly and accurately transmitted to the kitchen, significantly reducing order errors and food waste. Self-checkout systems eliminate cash handling errors and shorten closing tasks, reducing the workload on employees.


For Information and Inquiries
Please contact us via the email form below or by phone.

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Reception Hours / Weekdays 10:00 - 18:00 (UTC+8)
We support English, Chinese, and Japanese.